Welcome to
Kawana Waters Uniting Church

We dream of being a strong, family church.


Upcoming Events

We invite you to read Clinton’s blog dealing with the challenging matter of retirement.
Visit the website “Blog” page for his welcome insights.




Ephesians 3: 14 – 21

A Prayer from Paul, Lord we pray that you would help them to be rooted and grounded in love.

19 Christ`s love is greater than anyone can ever know, but i pray that you will be able to know that love. Then you can be filled with everything God has for you.

20 With God`s power working un us, he can do much, much more than anything we can ask or think of. 21 To him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus for all time, forever and ever. Amen.


Seen at church this week

Here at Kawana Waters Uniting Church we welcome all people to worship God: Father, Son and Spirit. We are all created in his image and we all fall short of His glory. We look to fulfil the words of Micah 6:8 “To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God”.


We believe in the discipline of prayer, the necessity of scripture reading, the power of the Holy Spirit and appreciate uplifting worship music. Interacting with our community is a joy to us and an integral part of who we are.

Rev. Barb Bailey


This Week's Sermon

Sermon Playlist

1 Videos




Worship Services

We have Sunday services at 8am or 9:30am. We look forward to seeing you.


Young People & Families

We welcome young people and families to Kawana Waters Uniting Church


Pastoral Care

Our Pastoral Care Team are passionate about our local community, click on more info to meet our Team.


Small Groups

Discipleship through small groups is key in our church. We invite you to find a small group today that could meet your needs.


Prayer Life

We believe that a church can be measured by its prayer life. A strong church has prayer at the centre of its community.

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Mission & Community Engagement

We often host community events and we’d love to see you at our next one. View our events now.

You matter to God.

You matter to us.

We are a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people.
Overwhelmed by the gift of salvation we have found in Jesus, we have a heart for authentic worship, are passionate about the local church, and are on mission to see God’s Kingdom thriving in Kawana.

Ephesians 2: 11 – 22Jew and Gentile Reconciled…

His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace. 16and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross.


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