I began ministry as my second vocation (first was Pharmacy) at a mature age, served in Hughenden, the Burdekin (Ayr and Home Hill) and finally as Presbytery Minister in North Queensland where I was based in Townsville. I retired to Caloundra in 2004 a little earlier than planned so I could spend more time with my husband who suffered a severe stroke while we were in Ayr. Ric died in 2010.
I live in a high- rise apartment with beautiful views of the Pacific 0cean. As a member of Rotary, Probus, and a Mahjong group I am well occupied but my real passion is sharing the Gospel. I have been privileged to offer supply ministry in Nambour, Glasshouse Country, Coolum, Kingaroy and now three times at Kawana Waters Uniting Church.
In 1994 I was invited to be a ‘New World Missioner’ with the United Methodist Church in USA. Three of us from the Uniting Church in Australia met twenty-three others from around the world in Nashville from where we were each sent to four different congregations to preach, visit schools and speak on radio over a period of four weeks.
This year marks thirty-three years since I began fulltime ministry. I completed a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies, was awarded a Centenary Medal in 2001, and an OAM in 2019, each for service to the church and community. Both awards were humbling and accepted on behalf of my colleagues as well.