Small Groups

SALT - Serving and Learning Together


Within our congregation, we have a number of small groups. These groups are made up of numbers of people who share common interests. Some share a love for studying God’s Word, for creative activities, for leisure activities, and for serving others.


The groups meet regularly to increase their knowledge, spend quality time together, share their joys, challenges, and beliefs. Although varied in content and interest, all groups commit to the practices of caring, sharing, reaching out, serving, learning, and worship.


We believe God created people for relationships and we therefore encourage small groups that will provide a loving and supportive framework for everyone within our care.


To find out more:  Please contact Bev in the office (Mon – Wed, 9am – 1pm), and let her know which group you are interested in. Leave your name and contact details, and the leader of that group will get in touch to have a chat and let you know any further details you may need. (Please note – many of the small groups do not meet during the school holidays.)

“Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt among yourselves, and be at peace with one another.”   Mark 9:50

ACTS (Actively Caring Through Sharing) Group.

1st and 3rd Tuesday each month, at 2-4pm, at Kawana Waters Uniting.
Material required: Bible and current study book.

Antrobus Bible Study

Meet on 2nd & 4th Thursdays of each month, at 3.30-4.30pm . 

Study of the Bible and other associated material.
Materials required: Your Bible.

Quest Bible Study

Meet on 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month, at 2-3:30pm.

Bible study worship & sharing.

KYB (Know Your Bible)

Each Wednesday, at 9-11.30am. 
Meet with a willingness to learn co-operatively.
Materials required: Bible and current study book.

Bible Friend’s Group

1st and 3rd Tuesday each month, at 9.30am with morning tea.

Held in the church meeting room.
Bible study, worship and sharing.
Materials required: New study book each new term.

Exploring Faith Men’s Group

Meets 1st Saturday of each month, from 9-10am.

Meetings held in the Church to explore our faith.
Materials required: Your Bible.

Adult Fellowship

Meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month, from 9:30 to 11:30.

We share devotional time and often enjoy the company of guest speakers.

There are also often planned outings and activities.

We ask a simple gold coin donation.

All are welcome.

Lone, not Alone

Meets on the last Friday of each month, from 12:30 to 2:30pm.

This is a social group for those living alone, where we can enjoy friendship and support and enjoy a meal together.

Lunch cost: $5.00

You will be warmly welcomed.

Join a group today